Current books from the MIT neighborhood

The Miraculous from the Materials: Understanding the Wonders of Nature 
By Alan Lightman, professor of the apply of the humanities 
PANTHEON, 2024, $36

The Path to Singularity: How Expertise Will Problem the Way forward for Humanity
By J. Craig Wheeler ’65, with a foreword by Neil deGrasse Tyson 
PROMETHEUS BOOKS, 2024, $32.95

Meeting by Design: The United Nations and Its World Inside
By Olga Touloumi, SM ’06

The Finite Ingredient Methodology: Its Foundation and Fundamentals 
By O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor, and Sanjay Govindjee ’86 

The place Biology Ends and Bias Begins: Classes on Belonging from Our DNA 
By Shoumita Dasgupta ’97 
UNIV. OF CALIF. PRESS, 2025, $29.95

A Transferring Meditation: Life on a Cape Cod Kettle Pond 
By Stephen G. Waller ’73 
BRIGHT LEAF, 2023, $24.95

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