Uncertainty in Markov Choices Processes: a Strong Linear Programming method | by Hussein Fellahi | Sep, 2024

Let’s begin by giving a proper definition of MDPs:

A Markov Resolution Course of is a 5-tuple (S, A, R, P, γ) such that:

  • S is the set of states the agent will be in
  • A is the set of actions the agent can take
  • R : S x A → R the reward operate
  • P is the set of chance distributions outlined such that P(s’|s,a) is the chance of transitioning to state s’ if the agent takes motion a in state s. Word that MDPs are Markov processes, which means that the Markov property holds on the transition chances: P(Sₜ₊₁|S₀, A₀, …, Sₜ, Aₜ) = P(Sₜ₊₁|Sₜ, Aₜ)
  • γ ∈ (0, 1] is a low cost issue. Whereas we often cope with discounted issues (i.e. γ < 1), the formulations introduced are additionally legitimate for undiscounted MDPs (γ = 1)

We then outline the coverage, i.e. what dictates the agent’s habits in an MDP:

A coverage π is a chance measure over the motion area outlined as: π(a|s) is the chance of taking motion a when the agent is in state s.

We lastly introduce the worth operate, i.e. the agent’s goal in an MDP:

The worth operate of a coverage π is the anticipated discounted reward underneath this coverage, when beginning at a given state s:

Particularly, the worth operate of the optimum coverage π* satisfies the Bellman optimality equation:

Which yields the deterministic optimum coverage:

Deriving the LP formulation of MDPs:

Given the above definitions, we will begin by noticing that any worth operate V that satisfies

is an higher sure on the optimum worth operate. To see it, we will begin by noticing that such worth operate additionally satisfies:

We acknowledge the worth iteration operator utilized to V:


Additionally noticing that the H*operator is growing, we will apply it iteratively to have:

the place we used the property of V* being the mounted level of H*.

Subsequently, discovering V* comes right down to discovering the tightest higher sure V that obeys the above equation, which yields the next formulation:

Right here we added a weight time period akin to the chance of beginning in state s. We will see that the above downside is linear in V and will be rewritten as follows: